Food Pyramid Analysis

In 1992, the food pyramid became used as the model for healthy eating before the release of the food plate. The food pyramid has six sections to represent the five food groups and oils, and the sections are different widths in order to represent the different portion sizes you should take in order to get and stay healthy. The food pyramid was very detailed and had a lot of good nutritional information, but it was designed more like a science experiment than as a practical nutritional system. This system was not a convenient method to use when deciding what and how to eat because it was time consuming, and it was also very difficult for younger children to understand. Therefore, the food plate was created in order to make it simpler and easier for people to eat healthy.

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Food Plate Analysis

In 2001, the food plate became the model for healthy eating. It utilizes five different sections to represent the fruit, grains, vegetable, dairy, and protein groups. The sections are different proportions in order to signify the ideal serving sizes to lead a healthy lifestyle. The food plate was created because the food pyramid was deemed too much of a hassle to use effectively and because the food pyramid did not distinguish portion sizes well. However, the food plate has one major issue; it does not take how the foods are prepared into consideration. (In this country, we even fry Twinkies). Therefore, the next evolution of a model for healthy nutrition is ROG Food Tags.

ROG Food Tags Analysis

The best evolution of the model for healthy is ROG Food Tags. ROG Food Tags uses three simple colors: red, orange, and green to color-code foods. Green foods are foods that are considered universally healthy. Red foods are foods that are over ten grams of fat or are high in salts and/or sugars, and orange foods are foods that fit into neither category. ROG Food Tags not only simplifies healthy eating so that even very young children can understand it, but also, it prevents deception. What do I mean by deception? The food industry constantly advertises foods that seem to be healthier. However, these foods, even though they may be low in fat content, may have extremely high sodium or sugar contents. The food plate could be ‘deceived’ by these foods, but ROG Food Tags can show the truth behind these foods. Therefore, it is time to ROG it!